Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A Room 4 Story

This week for my weekly post I want to share a story that we wrote as a class. We read a story about the Superkids call, "Fiddlesticks", where they pass a stick and each add on to a story, So, we gave it a try in our class and here is our story:

Once upon a time there live a boy named Jack and a girl named Emma and they lived in an enchanted forest. They got bitten by a spider and then they found a lost horse. The horse showed them a magic potion. Emma drank the magic potion but Jack did not. The potion allowed Emma to breath fire like a dragon. Jack was a little nervous about Emma breathing fire so he ran deeper into the forest and soon found himself lost. Suddenly Jack saw two big blue eyes watching him from a bush. The bush moved and out came a baby tiger. Thank goodness it was just a cute baby! Meanwhile, Emma was thinking of a plan to save Jack. She started breathing fire to burn down trees in order to get to Jack. But there was no Jack in sight. Emma continued to burn through the woods, while Jack was in his own pickle. The mom Tiger was nearby and she had seen Jack. She was chasing Jack trying to protect her baby. The baby tiger pounced on his mom, protecting Jack because Jack and the baby were friends. Then the mom tiger ran away with her baby. Emma was breathing fire and then she finally saw Jack. They were both really happy! Emma said, “Let’s follow the burnt trail to find our way back home.” They followed the trail and were finally home. When finally home, they fell quickly asleep. 

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