Monday, March 5, 2018

Dancing Beans

This week students will be involved in some really fun activities! We will have Farmer Leila visit on Wednesday morning to teach us more about plants. Students are germinating beans in the classroom and watering them daily. On Thursday morning we will have a fun assembly, where students will watching Irish step dancers from the McDuffy school of dance. This is one of my favorite assemblies every year! Just as a reminder, Friday is no school for students. Here is a look at the rest of our week:


We have wrapped up the last unit of Adventures of Superkids and students will be taking an end of unit assessment this week. It is long so we will be breaking it up over the course of the week in blocks. Students learned about suffixes: -ed, -er, -es, -ing, and -est and the pattern word rules when adding them to the end of a word. Students also practiced identifying the base word. We have been looking at contractions and compound words as well. Next unit, students will look at /y/ and /ay/ endings.


In math this week we will be working on 3-D shapes and halves. Students will begin to look at parts of a shape and equal haves. Students have been experimenting with making both 2-D and 3-D shapes with other 2- and 3-D shapes. Next week we will start to look at 1/4th's and time.


Students continue to work on their realistic fiction stories. Students developed their characters last week and their setting. This week we will be writing the problem, solution and sketching across the pages to show the parts of our story: First, next, then, last.


Superkids Day: March 23rd! Dress your child as his/her favorite Superkid!

Wish List:

-table wipes
-extra snack
-dry erase markers

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