Monday, December 11, 2017

Winter Wonderland

Hello Families! Hope you all enjoyed the first snow of the season. Here's a look at our learning for this week:


Students will continue to work on long and short vowel sounds. Students will continue to work on open and closed syllables. Words that end with vowels will make the long vowel sound (say their own name), which is called an open syllable. A closed syllable is when the vowel is closed in with two consonants (cvc), such as "cat". There are, of course, always exceptions to the rule. We will be learning the cvce syllable pattern with a lone vowel after the winter break.


In math students will continue their work with subtraction and tally marks. We will take class data and practice recording and graphing the data. We will also practice counting backwards, which can be tricky going over the decade. I will be pulling students this week and next to do an AVMR check in, focused on "structuring". We will wrap up this unit this week and end the week with an assessment. 


In science students will be looking at air pressure and resistance, working with syringes and tubes. Students will participate in several hands-on activities and will respond in their science journals. We will also be doing some read alouds that focus on air and watch a short video that teaches about air and air resistance.

Wish List: 

  • classroom snacks (we are running low)
  • glue sticks
  • large white construction paper.

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