Thursday, March 30, 2017

March-ing into April

Students finished up March with a lot of enthusiam and did some really amazing learning. Here are a few highlights from the week:

Reading: Unit 9 of Siperkids focuses on the vowel teams. Students learned the rule: "two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking." This means when students see the double vowel pattern (cvvc) in a word (ee, ea, ae, oa, ie, ue, ai), most of the time, the sound these vowels create is the first one's long vowel sound. Example sinclude: snail, peach, bee, pie, boat and blue. Students are practicing the memory words: could, would, some, one, were and new. 
and emotions in their writing as a way of telling more about their character and adding details. They are working on adding quatation marks and adding dialogue as well.

Math: In math students are taking a second look at place value, but this time in a more conceptual way rather than learning place value by the position of numbers. Students are breaking apart numbers into groups of 1's, 10's, 100's and 1000's and writing numbers in expanded form. Students are working towards being able to add and subtract two two-digit or three-digit numbers.

Science:Students continue to learn about sound. Students read about sound and explored how sound travels through waves and solids by exploring paper cup telephones. Students also learned about nutrition with a visit from UMASS students. They learned about how to "balance" their plate.

  • Keep reading at home and don't forget to turn in your child's reading log every Monday.
  • April 7th is our Storybook Character dress-up day. Your child can dress as a book character of his/her choice. If you need help with a costume or parts of a costume, let me know. And if you would like to send a treat with your child to share with the class that day, you are more than welcome to.

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