Friday, December 2, 2016

Here comes the wind...

Well, we made it through a full 5-day week (it has been a while since we had a "normal" week). I suddenly came to the realization this week of just how much growth Room 4 students have made, when they read the morning message to me! Some of the words were not words I had intended for them to be able to read but they did it! YES!

Students finished their "How To" books and got to share their books with some of the students in Ms. Donoghue's and Ms. Bartolini's classes. It was a fun way to hear from other friends and see the learning that is going on across the grade.

Students are working on the endings: -le and -ng and have been noticing some patterns in words that end in -le, such as most of the time you need a double consonant before the -le (of course there are always a few exceptions to the rule). Students worked on categorizing and retelling stories. We also played a fun story game called "Fiddlesticks", where students worked together to tell a story and each student added a part to the story.

In math we have started subtraction and have solved using the number line and using concrete objects. Next week we will continue to explore "difference" by comparing and building numbers. 

We will also be building some background knowledge about the Nutcracker before we go on our field trip (Friday) and we will start a science unit which will include our writing curriculum, where students will learn about wind and clouds. Students will do experiments and explorations and then respond through projects and journaling. Students will have an opportunity to think outside the box and do some designing and trial and error. It should be really interesting.

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